Tuesday 27 September 2011

Week One Exercise

For this week, as I was unable to make it to class I followed the online instructions to try a few things in 3D MAX.

The first thing I did was to have a play around with some of the basic tools:

The second thing I had a go at was making a ship's steering wheel. I had a few problems this getting all the parts perfectly sized/aligned but that's probably due to being new to 3D MAX and I'm sure with practice that I'll get a lot better!

The next exercise I tried was making a 3D model of a house:

I actually found this exercise a little difficult - trying to make the windows sashes was rather difficult and I kept running into problems. That being said I'm happy with my attempt and I did learn a few things (I actually followed a youtube tutorial video for my house as I found the tutorial linked on the VLE confusing)

The final exercise for this week was to build a castle! I had a lot of fun with this exercise.

I didn't get too ambitious with this exercise and I tried to keep it as simple as possible (I didn't add a moat etc like the exercise guide mentioned) and I had a little trouble creating the arched doorway but I got some advice from a friend (Josh Temblett 1009715) and I managed to get it right in the end! Overall I'm happy with what I accomplished this week.